• 1-800-RIDE-SAFE

Official Enrollment

Individuals are officially enrolled in a course only after payment has been received by the training center. Those who choose to register without immediate payment are placed on the “Stand-by List” and may lose their spot to someone who commits by paying upfront. Non-Pennsylvania residents are not permitted to take courses at any of our Pennsylvania locations.

Re-Scheduling Course

An Individual may be provided one (1) opportunity to be rescheduled into another course without being required to pay another course registration fee. However, in order to be rescheduled an individual must notify the training center at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the start of class. Please note that rescheduling is dependent on course availability. Students must realize that there is no guarantee that a course can be rescheduled in the current training year. Individuals that cannot be rescheduled into another course may request a refund in writing prior to the end of the training year.

Students must realize that there is no guarantee that a course will run and that a course may be cancelled due to low enrollment. When a course is cancelled, students will be rescheduled into another course in the current training year. Individuals that cannot be rescheduled into another course may request a refund in writing prior to the end of the training year.

Individuals that miss their original course are encouraged to report to the training center as a stand-by student. However, if a student did not provide at least forty-eight (48) hours notice prior to the start of the course and is admitted as a stand-by student, he/she will be required to pay additional fees to re-register for the new course.

Individuals who are late or miss a session are not eligible for rescheduling under this policy.

Some individuals may be asked to leave or counseled out of a course if an instructor feels that the student is performing poorly. The school understands that everyone learns at different rates and will give a student the opportunity to reschedule into another course. If a person is counseled out, he/she may be given one opportunity to be rescheduled into another class in the current training year. In this situation, the student will be required to pay the appropriate fee. Rescheduling arrangements must be made through the training center and are based on course availability.

Re-Test Policy

Individuals who do not pass the Basic Rider Course (BRC) or any variation (BRCSP or BRCP), Basic Rider Course 2 (BRC2) or 3-Wheel Basic Rider Course (3WBRC) Knowledge Test or Skill Test, may be provided one (1) opportunity to retake these tests. Re-tests need to be completed within thirty (30) days of the original course end date. Individuals interested in scheduling an appointment for a re-test must contact the training center directly. Re-tests must be completed at the training center where the individual participated in the course. All re-tests must be completed in the current training season.

A retest can be scheduled online and the company reserves the right to cancel or postpone any or all of the scheduled re-test dates.

The cost of the re-test is free. If an individual does not pass the re-test, he/she must retake the course and pay the appropriate fees.

Individuals in Pennsylvania are not allowed to retake the Knowledge Test or Skill Test.


The Basic Rider Course (BRC)(BRCSP)(BRCP), Basic Rider Course 2 (BRC2) and Instructor Preparation Course (IPC) courses require the student to complete an online E-Course prior to the first riding session. Any student that fails to complete the E-Course will not be allowed to continue and will be withdrawn from the course. The eCourse completion certificate is only valid for 30 days.

Refund Policy

The course registration fee will not be refunded to an individual who fails to participate in any portion of a course. The course registration fee will not be refunded to an individual that does not complete the required E-Course prior to the first riding session.

The course registration fee will not be refunded to anyone that participates in a 3-Wheel Course in Maryland.

The training center may refund the course registration fee for a motorcycle safety course only if the individual has not participated in any portion of it and has given at least forty-eight (48) hours notice prior to the start of class. The individual must submit a written request for the refund with the original copy of their course registration fee receipt. This refund request must be made before the end of the calendar year in which the course was scheduled.

Stand-by Option

Anyone interested in taking the rider training course may try to register as a stand-by student. Stand-by students should report to a training center approximately 30 minutes prior to the scheduled starting time of a class. Stand-by students are selected by a “lottery” system to fill any available openings.

The Training Center Manager may give preference to those individuals who are not already registered in a class. If selected as a stand-by student you must be prepared to pay the appropriate fee and participate in the course. Payment can only be made by major credit card or check card, money order or cash. NO PERSONAL CHECKS ARE ACCEPTED.

Lateness Policy

All classes start promptly at the times indicated. If you are late for the first session, you will not be allowed to participate and your spot may be given to a stand-by student. If you are late for any subsequent sessions, you will not be allowed to continue. There is no grace period. The training center is not responsible for traffic, weather or any other condition or circumstance that might cause a participant to be late. It is the participant’s responsibility for being on time for each class session. If you are late to class, you will NOT be issued a refund.

Personal Use of Motorcycles

Personal motorcycles in the course must be properly insured and street legal.

For states other than Pennsylvania, participants should not ride their personal motorcycle to class unless the motorcycle is properly insured and street legal. In addition, the operator must have a valid motorcycle license or have a valid learners permit with an accompanying rider. The participant must report to the course instructor with their accompanying rider upon their arrival to any scheduled course session. The accompanying rider must also return at the end of the course.

The accompanying rider must be a licensed motorcyclist who is over 21 years of age and has been a licensed rider for at least three (3) years. This individual can be following the permitted rider on another motorcycle, or in a car within a reasonable sight distance. Individuals in violation of this policy may not be permitted to participate in the motorcycle safety course.

Safety Equipment

Individuals are responsible for being prepared for the course by studying the course materials and dressing appropriately. Riders must have the appropriate riding gear, which includes a DOT certified helmet (PA requires helmet to be open-face / three-quarter or full-face helmet), eye protection, long sleeve shirt or jacket, full-fingered gloves, long pants (no ripped jeans, sweat pants or other soft material) and sturdy over-the-ankle footwear.

Motorcycle Permit

Pennsylvania residents are required to have a valid motorcycle permit to participate in the course and are allowed up to three failures. A person will be considered a failure if they have either participated in any part of the course and did not complete it, including a "no-show" for the riding portion of the course, or completed the course but received a non-passing score upon completion. If a person accumulates more than three failures on the current PA driving permit, they must obtain a new motorcycle permit, which may or may not be reissued by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT).

Maryland, New Jersey and Virginia residents are not required to have a motorcycle permit to participate in a course.

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